Union Lions Club Scholarship Application Form


The Union Lions Club typically awards $1500 scholarships to selected graduating senior high school students.  The funds for these awards come from some of the fundraisers held int he community and donations from the public.  Three of these scholarships bear the name of some of our memorable alumni that have passed on leaving both a mark in the community and an incredible amount of public service.  These Memorial Scholarships are in the names of former Lions John Nienhuis, Bob Gruel, and Rodger Brandt.  Based on the amount of funds the club has raised these scholarships may change in value or additional ones may be added as General Scholarships.


 Any graduating senior who has, at minimum, one (1) year residence in District #154.


• Must complete 1 application form to be considered for any award – student is limited to be awarded one (1) scholarship from the Union Lions Club

• Must have financial need

• Accepted by school identified on application:

o Training program/Vocational program

o 2-year college

o 4-year college

• Planning to be a full time student (14 credit hours or more)


All submissions must be received by 3PM on April 5th of the school year they are being considered for.  Please e-mail any questions or supporting documents to Lion Darin Mobley (Darin.Mobley@gmail.com) and/or Lion John Nienhuis (LionJohnNienhuis@District1JLions.org).


Scholarships are payable 1/2 of the total amount for each semester of the first school year upon proof of registration  for 14 hours (or comparable) per semester.

Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1